
3838 Conrad Dr
Spring Valley, CA 91977 
(619) 668-5767 
Fax: (619) 668-6672

Office Hours 8:00 am – 4:00 pm

Director, Transportation
Leslie Peabody
(619) 668-5767 x4728

Eric Nunez
(619) 668-5767 x4727

Administrative Assistant II       
Brisa De Los Santos   
(619) 668-5767 x4729

Alma Sevillano
(Field Trips)
(619) 668-5767 x4740

Driver Trainer/Dispatcher
Aurora Halter
(Driver Trainer/Safety)
(619) 668-5767 x4736

Karla Diaz
(Special Education, Infant, Overflow, Foster/In-Transition & NPS Scheduling)
(619) 668-5767 x4741

Mission Statement

It is our purpose to provide our students with safe, timely, and enjoyable transportation to and from school, as well as activity trips so that they are best prepared to learn and grow each and every day.

General Education School Bussing

Transportation Services Plan

Who is Eligible for Transportation?

La Mesa-Spring Valley School District offers Home to School Transportation to select schools in our District.

School Sites
Bancroft Elementary
Highlands Elementary
La Mesa Dale Elementary
Loma Elementary
Murdock Elementary
Rolando Elementary
Sweetwater Springs Elementary

Students who attend their Home School and live in the Transportable Zone boundaries of that school may apply for a bus pass. The Transportable Zone boundaries are determined by Board Regulation 3541 based on the distance from their residence to their school in miles.

Boundary Line

  • Transportable Zone – Students who live beyond the stated mileage below
  • Non-Transportable Zone – Students who live within the state mileage below
Kinder – 3rd Grade4th – 6th Grade
1 mile or more away from school1 ½ miles or more away from school

In the event a school bus reaches maximum passenger capacity, students will be issued bus passes in the following order:

  1. Students who qualify for the Free or Reduced Lunch Program, English Language Learners and Foster Youth who live in the Transportable Zone of their home school.
  2. Students who do not meet the qualifications in Item #1 above, but who live in the Transportable Zone of their home school
  3. Students who qualify for the Free or Reduced Lunch Program, English Language Learners and Foster Youth who live in the Non-Transportable Zone of their home school.
    a. Student must be able to access an existing bus stop for the school in a safe manner
  4. Students without the above circumstances who live in the Non-Transportable zone may be granted an exception
    a. Student must be able to access an existing bus stop for the school in a safe manner

How to Apply for a Bus Pass

To apply for a bus pass, please complete a Transportation Registration Form for every student in need of transportation services. The Transportation Registration Form can be accessed throughout the year and the processing of applications will begin in early July of each school year.

Within 1-2 days upon receiving your application, your student’s eligible start date, bus schedule, bus stop location, and stop times will be communicated to you via a phone call or to the email address provided on the registration form. Note: This process can take up to two weeks if received at the beginning of each school year. You may call (619) 668-5767 and press 2 to request this information, but please allow for the appropriate processing time listed above.

Your students may begin riding on or after their eligible start date and will be granted access to the bus. Our drivers will have a list of new students. The physical bus pass will be distributed to your student at a later date by their assigned School Bus Driver within 1-2 weeks of registration. All students receiving transportation services must scan their bus pass daily when boarding and leaving the bus. If using a single ride ticket, the ticket must be presented to the School Bus Driver when boarding the bus for the morning or afternoon bus ride.

Before a bus pass will be issued, all parents and students must read the Parent Handbook (English/Spanish) to acknowledge the bus rules and commit to responsible behavior while on the bus. You will be prompted to confirm this acknowledgement during the application process.

Transportation Fees/Payment Options

The La Mesa-Spring Valley School District charges a fee for providing home-to-school transportation services to students who live within the transportable boundaries of the schools listed above. Fees will be waived based on eligibility for certain programs listed below.

The Transportation Fee Program provides the option of purchasing an Annual Bus Pass, Half Year Bus Pass or Single-Ride Ticket Books. The table below outlines the fees for each pass type.

Pass TypePrice
1st Student2nd Sibling3rd Sibling
Annual$250.00$160.00$0 – Free
Half Year$150.00 $100.00$0 – Free
Ticket Book
Single Ride$60 – Book of 40 tickets
Bus Pass CardDamaged, lost passes and/or the replacement of a pass when a student changes bus routes per parent request.
– $6.00 for cash*/money order/credit card

*Cash payments are only accepted at the Transportation Department

Eligibility for a Free Bus Pass

Students who meet the criteria listed below will receive their bus pass at no charge.

  • Free or Reduced Lunch Program
  • English Language Learners
  • Foster/In-Transition Youth


Transportation accepts credit card payments online, or cash, check or money order at the Transportation office.  Checks and money orders should be made out to LMSV.

Family Discounts

Discounts are available when purchasing annual or half year passes for more than one (1) student living in the same household at the same time. The third and/or any additional siblings may obtain a free bus pass.

Ticket Books

Ticket books include forty (40) single ride tickets and may be purchased at the Transportation Department.

Renewal of half year bus pass: 

Half year bus passes may be renewed online when paying by credit card or at the Transportation Department if paying with cash, check or money order. Please allow up to 10 working days for processing.

Non Sufficient Funds

A $15.00 charge will be imposed for all returned checks.


Bus pass refunds are processed on a prorated basis and are calculated monthly. Please allow 2-3 weeks for processing. Ticket books cannot be refunded or returned if partially used.

Bus Schedules

The Transportation Department will provide the bus schedule to parents via email or a phone call within 1-2 days of receipt of the Transportation Registration form. Note: This process can take up to two weeks if received at the beginning of each school year. Please ensure you are aware of the following guidelines:

  • Pick-up Time
    •  Students should be at their designated bus stop five (5) minutes prior to their scheduled stop time. 
  • Drop-off Time
    • Drop-off times are approximate
  • Students who must be met
    • All TK/Kindergarten students must be met at the bus stop by a parent/guardian. For all other grades, student(s) will be released from the bus without a parent/guardian present, unless requested otherwise. If no adult is present at the drop off location of your Must Be Met student will be returned to school and parents will be responsible for picking up the student.
  • Designated bus stops
    • Students who need to get off at a stop other than their designated stop, must have a note from home or permission slip signed by the principal/staff member. 
    • A student who accidentally or willingly gets on the wrong bus will be returned to school and their parents will be called to arrange pickup of their student.
  • Ill Students
    • In the best interest of everyone, infectious or severely ill students, (e.g. measles, vomiting, fever, etc.), cannot be allowed to ride the bus.
    • Students who become sick during the day will not be allowed to ride the bus. They will remain in the Nurse’s office until contact is made with the parents.
    • Students sent home with a fever must remain off the bus for 24 hours without fever reducing medication.

Student Conduct/Responsibility

Before a bus pass will be issued, all parents and students must read the Parent Handbook (English/Spanish) to acknowledge the bus rules. Parents and students must commit to responsible behavior while on the bus.  You will be prompted to do so during the application process.

Riding the school bus is a privilege. Students will be held accountable for their behavior while on the bus and at their bus stop.

“Pupils transported on a school bus shall be under the authority of, and responsible directly to, the driver of the bus, and the driver shall be held responsible for the orderly conduct of the pupils.” (CCR 14103).

Bus Rider Rules

The following rules apply at all times when students are riding a school bus, including when on school activity trips. Please ensure your student(s) understands the following:

  1. Riders shall follow the instructions and directions of the bus driver at all times.
  2. Riders should arrive at their designated bus stop five (5) minutes early and stand in a safe place at the stop to wait quietly for the bus.
  3. Orderly behavior is required. Student conduct at the bus stop should be the same as required on school grounds. Horseplay, such as ball throwing, pushing, shoving and/or similar behavior is not allowed. (See Board Policy 5131 Conduct).
  4. Some bus stops are designated in front of homes. Please respect the privacy and property of those residents.  Any damage done to private property shall be cause for denial of transportation.
  5. Students must stand in a single file line before boarding the bus. Riders shall enter the bus in an orderly manner and go directly to their seats.
  6. Per State Law, if a student needs to cross the street, students must cross in front of the bus with and as directed by the School Bus Driver. It is the sole responsibility of the School Bus Driver to escort students across the street.
  7. Riders shall sit down and fasten any passenger restraint systems. Riders shall remain seated while the bus is in motion.
  8. Riders shall not block the aisle or emergency exit with their body or personal belongings. Riders may bring items, such as class projects or musical instruments, on the bus only if the item does not displace any other rider or obstruct the driver’s vision, or block the aisle and can easily sit on the rider’s lap.
  9. Riders should be courteous to the driver and to fellow passengers. Vulgarity, rude, or abusive behavior is prohibited.
  10. Any noise or behavior that could distract the driver, such as loud talking, scuffling or fighting, throwing objects, or standing or changing seats, is prohibited and may lead to suspension of riding privileges.
  11. Riders shall not use tobacco products, eat, or drink while riding the bus.
  12. Riders may bring and use electronic devices onto the bus only if such devices are permitted at school. If the use of cellular telephones or similar devices disrupts the safe operation of the school bus, the bus driver may direct the student to no longer use the device on the bus.
  13. The use of electronic devices is governed by Board Policy 6163.4 Student Use of Technology.
  14. Riders shall not put any part of the body outside the window nor throw any item from the bus.
  15. Riders shall help keep the bus and the area around the bus stop clean. Riders shall not damage or deface the bus or tamper with bus equipment.
  16. Service animals may be permitted on school transportation services; all other animals are prohibited (Education Code 39839; 13 CCR 1216).
  17. Upon reaching their destination, riders shall remain seated until the bus comes to a complete stop and upon the signal from the driver. At that point students are able to unfasten any restraint system, enter the aisle, and go directly to the exit.
  18. Riders should be alert for traffic when leaving the bus and shall follow the district’s transportation safety plan when crossing the road and exiting the bus.
  19. The Driver shall have the right to assign all seats when deemed necessary.

Consequences for Misconduct

The safety of students and staff and the maintenance of an orderly environment shall be priorities in determining appropriate discipline. Riders who fail to comply with the above rules shall be reported to the school principal, who will determine the severity of the misconduct and appropriate disciplinary strategies. (See Board Policy and Administrative Regulation 5144 Discipline). In general, the District may follow the below guidelines:

  1. The first incident will result in a verbal warning with the School Bus Driver.
  2. The second incident will result in a verbal warning with the School Bus Driver.
  3. The third incident will result in a written referral and subsequent conference with the Principal or Designee. At that time the student will be warned of the possible loss of the privilege of riding the bus if the behavior continues.
  4. The fourth incident report may result in a two (2) day loss of bus riding privileges (two school days).
  5. The fifth incident report may result in a one (1) week loss of bus riding privileges (five school days).
  6. The sixth incident report may result in a two (2) week loss of bus riding privileges (ten school days).
  7. The seventh incident report may result in a permanent loss of bus riding privileges for the rest of the school year.

Bus drivers shall not deny transportation services except as directed by the Principal or designee.

Bus Surveillance Systems

The Superintendent or designee shall monitor the use and maintenance of the District’s bus surveillance system. Students are prohibited from tampering with the bus surveillance system. Any student found tampering with the system shall be subject to discipline and shall be responsible for the costs of any necessary repairs or replacement.

Camera supports may be installed in all buses. Cameras may be rotated among the buses and activated at the discretion of the Superintendent or designee.

The content of any recording is a student record and may only be accessed in accordance with the district’s policy and administrative regulation concerning student records.

Personal Items on School Busses

To ensure the safety of students and staff, the following items cannot be transported on a school bus:

  • Glass Containers
  • Bags of aluminum cans
  • Animals (with the possible exception of service dogs)
  • Large musical instruments, suitcases and sleeping bags.
  • Radios (unless approved by the school ahead of time)
  • Skateboards
  • Food or liquid that are not in a proper container
  • Balloons
  • Item that are too large for student to hold on their lap

Note: All toys, games or projects brought to school should be put in a plastic or paper bag. Nothing can be allowed on the bus that is too large for students to hold on their lap. Please make other arrangements for your student’s transportation that day.

Safety Plan

COVID Safety Plan

The La Mesa-Spring Valley School District will continue to follow the most recent guidance provided by the California Department of Public Health (CDPH).

Important Safety Rules

  • If an item is dropped under the bus, inform the driver. DO NOT ATTEMPT TO RETRIEVE THE ITEM YOURSELF!!
  • Ensure your student(s) is aware of the 12 ft. “Danger Zone” surrounding the school bus.
Bus Danger Zones Diagram
  • Parents should always park on the same side of the street as the bus to avoid students having to cross the street.
  • Always be extra alert in rainy or foggy weather.
  • Cross only at corners so drivers can see you.
  • Always use a crosswalk when it is available. Remember, painted lines can’t stop cars.
  • Use the push-button when possible and cross with the “walk” sign only.
  • Look in all directions before crossing the street to see cars, pedestrians and bicyclists.
  • When crossing, watch for cars that are turning left or right.
  • Never cross the street between parked cars. Drivers can’t see you.
  • If sidewalks are not provided, walk on the left side of the road, facing traffic, so you can see oncoming cars.

Bus Route Information

All students eligible for General Education and Special Education service will be assigned to a specific bus and route. For safety reasons, the LMSV Transportation Department does not publish bus stop locations and times online. Routing information will be shared during the application process.

You'll Love It Here!

  • Award-Winning, Tuition-Free Neighborhood Schools
  • All-Day Kindergarten Offered at all Schools
  • Engaging Before and After School Care Offered at all Schools
  • Exemplary Staff Dedicated to Educating, Supporting, and Nurturing ALL Children
  • Innovative Educational Programs and Academies Including:
    • Arts and Music Education
    • Spanish Language Immersion
    • Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Mathematics (STEAM)
  • World-Class Physical Education Facilities

Enroll Today!

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District Spotlight

Grow and Thrive with La Mesa Dale

Check out our latest Spotlight Story showcasing what makes La Mesa Dale so special!


Spotlight on Sweetwater Springs Elementary

Check out our latest Spotlight Story showcasing what makes Sweetwater Springs Elementary so special!


Spotlight on Rolando Elementary

Check out our latest Spotlight Story showcasing what makes Rolando Elementary so special!
