Welcome Parkway Families

Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year!

We are so excited to kick off the new school year! Parkway Academy is an amazing school! We have incredible classes and programs that are fun, engaging, and designed to help you prepare for high school. The teachers at Parkway Academy are fantastic – and we work as a team to make Parkway the most welcoming place it can be every day. We know there may be some anxiety for new students, but we are ready to support you, and we know you will have a great middle school career at Parkway.

If you have any questions, please call the school office at (619) 668-5810 or email us at  PKMS@lmsvschools.org. We are more than happy to help!

School Announcements:

Incoming 6th Graders

Hello Future Patriots!

Counselors are currently visiting 5th grade feeder schools to show students all the amazing things Parkway has to offer. Here a few important points:

Girl In Red Gym Uniform Smiling

2024-2025: 7th and 8th graders – purchase PE clothes and locks here!

TECH TIP! If you are using Safari for your browser and unable to complete your purchase, please try using Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer. Also, please disable any pop up blockers for our webstore.

After purchasing online, please send your student with the receipt; they will pick up their clothing and lock during PE.

Please note that 7th and 8th grade students are required to have a school-issued lock for PE. Parents can purchase Parkway's gray shirt and navy blue basketball shorts by clicking the link below. If you aren’t able to purchase your child’s PE uniform please reach out to your PE teacher.

6th graders do not dress out for PE or use lockers.

Smithsonian Museum, Washington, D.c

Washington DC 8th Grade Trip 2025

Information about our Washington DC 8th Grade Trip in 2025 is now available! Watch this space for more details about how to sign up for next year!

Districtwide Announcements:

Q&a Immigration

LMSV Update – Q&A about Immigration Enforcement

Dear LMSV Families,

We have heard from many in our school communities who are very concerned about the newly enacted immigration enforcement policies at the federal level. Yesterday, I responded to a reporter's questions about how the school district plans to deal with immigration enforcement efforts, and I thought it would help to share these responses with all of you. Please see below.

Gratefully yours,

David Feliciano
Superintendent, La Mesa-Spring Valley School District

Why You'll Love Parkway

  • Reading and Writing Emphasized Across All Subject Areas
  • Rigorous Math and Language Arts Classes Provided to Allow for Students’ Varied Academic Needs
  • One-to-one Chromebooks and/or iPads in All Language Arts and Math Classes
  • Varied Electives Offered such as Forensics, Journalism, Programming/Gaming, Media, Music Exploration, Band, Spanish 1 and 2, ASB and Yearbook
  • Character Education Emphasized through Discussions in Classes and the Morning Broadcast Using the Six Pillars of Character
  • Parkway Builders Club and California Junior Scholarship Foundation that Offers Many Opportunities for Students to Participate in Community Service Activities
  • A School-Wide Focus on Anti-Bullying
  • Exceptional Physical Education Program that has Exclusive Use of the Junior Seau Sports Complex During School Hours
  • Additional Flex and Foundation Period Throughout the School year to Support Students who are Struggling and Offer Enrichment Opportunities for More Advanced Students
  • Free Morning Homework Club Offered Tuesday Through Friday in the Library

Enroll Today!

March 2025

March 12, 2025Wednesday
1:00am - 3:00amBoard of Education Meeting

School+    District+

Important Information:

Parkway Mascotasset 43

Spirit Wear Store

Looking for some new Parkway Sports & Health Science Academy spirit wear? Check out our spirit wear webstore for great shirts, hoodies and more!

Parkwaypatriots 51

Aeries Parent Portal

If you need help with the Aeries Parent Portal, please visit link and follow the instructions posted below. Please make sure you are logging in with the email you provided when you registered your student. You may also email our Parent Portal Help Desk at lmsvtechsupport@lmsvschools.org

Group Of Students Smiling While Looking In Folder

Office Hours

We are open 8:00 am - 4:00 pm Monday - Friday, except for Tuesdays when we close at 2:45 pm for staff meetings.

Girl using hand sanitizer

Shot requirements for 7th graders: no shots, no school!

All 7th grade students are required to also have a 2nd dose of Varicella (chicken pox) in addition to the T-Dap booster. You can download flyers that outline the requirements in English or Spanish.  

Please bring in your up-to-date shot record to your current elementary school; your students' records will roll over to Parkway when they start 7th grade. Your student will not be able to start school without proof of required immunizations. You can fax records to (619) 668-5779; please include your contact information if you fax. You may also email records to PKMS@lmsvschools.org; please call 619-668-5810 to confirm receipt.

Students without the required immunizations will not be allowed to attend school. 

If your child needs the T-Dap booster or 2nd Varicella dose, shots are available from your local doctor, local pharmacies, and for those without health coverage - El Cajon Public Health Center ($10) at 367 N. Magnolia Ave, Ste 101, (619) 441-6500.

Jupiter Ed Instructions

To log in to Jupiter Ed, please visit the following URL: https://login.jupitered.com

  • Enter Student’s registered first name and last name (no nicknames) or ID #
  • Enter the 4-digit password your student was given within the first few weeks of school.
    • If you did not get a password, please contact the school office at (619) 668-5810 for a password, or email PKMS@lmsvschools.org.
  • Please type in the following below the password:
    • Parkway Academy
    • La Mesa
    • United States
    • California
    • Click on Login
  • On the homepage to Jupiter, make sure Parkway Middle is the school name next to your child’s name at the top and the current school year.
  • Click on Grades and then the drop down boxes for the Quarter and Subject.

Little Girl With Pink Striped Shirt And Red Backpack Smiling And Waving

Two Household Communication

Does your child live in two households and you need communication to both households?

Please call the office, (619) 668-5810, to arrange for automatic calls and emails to both households.

Group Of Students Working On Class Work At Table

Need homework for an absent child?

Look on Jupiter and/or email the teachers.

District Spotlight

Grow and Thrive with La Mesa Dale

Check out our latest Spotlight Story showcasing what makes La Mesa Dale so special!
