Welcome to the Rolando Family

Rolando Elementary School is part of the La Mesa – Spring Valley Schools. We are excited about the new 2024 – 2025 school year we have ahead of us!

School begins: August 8th at 8:30am

Rolando Elementary serves Transitional-Kindergarten through 5th Grade, in the Rolando neighborhood of La Mesa.

Principal’s Letter

Dear Rolando Families,

We are thrilled to welcome back our returning students and families and extend a warm greeting to our new members of the Rolando Elementary community! We are excited to start a new school year filled with learning, growth, and fun.

First Day of School is Thursday, August 8th. Gates open at 8:10 AM, and classes begin promptly at 8:30 AM. School dismissal is at 2:50 PM.

We can’t wait to reconnect with our returning families and meet our new students. To kick off the school year, we invite you to our Welcome Back Mixer on Wednesday, August 7th, from 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM. This is a wonderful opportunity to meet teachers, staff, and other families.

Additionally, we encourage all parents and guardians to attend our Parent/Principal Chat on Friday, August 9th, at 8:30 AM. This is a great chance to learn about the upcoming school year and ask questions. We are committed to providing a supportive and enriching learning environment for all our students. We look forward to a fantastic school year together!

Be on the lookout for more information to come very soon!

Benjamin Klaus, Principal

School Announcements:

Colorful Pens Lying On Notebook With Paper Clips

TK and Kindergarten Tours!

Please see the following dates for our upcoming TK and Kindergarten Tours starting in January 2025 with our Principal Mr. Klaus. We are looking forward to meeting our new Rolando Roadrunner Families!

School Tours

  • Jan 14th, 9:00 am -10:00 am
  • Jan 15th, 3:15 am - 4:15 pm
  • Feb 4th, 9:00 am - 10:00 am
  • Feb 26th, 3:15 pm - 4:15 pm
  • March 4th, 9:00 pm - 10:00 am
  • March 5th, 3:15 pm - 4:15 pm
  • April 22nd, 9:00 am - 10:00 am
  • April 23rd, 3:15 pm - 4:15 pm

What’s Happening Around Rolando!

Districtwide Announcements:

Q&a Immigration

LMSV Update – Q&A about Immigration Enforcement

Dear LMSV Families,

We have heard from many in our school communities who are very concerned about the newly enacted immigration enforcement policies at the federal level. Yesterday, I responded to a reporter's questions about how the school district plans to deal with immigration enforcement efforts, and I thought it would help to share these responses with all of you. Please see below.

Gratefully yours,

David Feliciano
Superintendent, La Mesa-Spring Valley School District

Why You'll Love Rolando!

  • Charming School Located in La Mesa, Near the College Area
  • A "No Excuses University" School, Geared at Helping Students Achieve their Dreams with College and Career Readiness
  • Boasts a Robust Music and Arts Program that is Integrated into the Learning Program, so Students have a Chance to Engage their Creativity

Enroll Today!

School+    District+

Important Information:

Pencils with Shoes

Dress Code

The La Mesa-Spring Valley School District is proud of its students and their accomplishments. Student appearance and dress should be a reflection of a serious learning environment.

Appropriate dress and good grooming contribute to a positive atmosphere and promote student safety.  This includes positive comments about homework and school in general.

In accordance with California Education Code, Section 48907, and with the best interests of our students, school and school-sponsored activities, and our community in mind, the following dress code has been adopted. We appreciate your support and adherence to the guidelines.

Rolando Elementary is not a “uniform school.”

Our dress code assures that children may participate in classroom, recess, and PE activities. Dress code restrictions are also set to assure appropriate standards of dress for a school setting.

  • Loose-fitting garments that show underclothing/underwear, or exposed private parts of the body are a distraction and are prohibited.
  • Backless, low-cut neckline tank tops, transparent, and bare-midriff tops are considered inappropriate for school and are not permitted. All shirts, skirts, and long tops worn with leggings must be at least 3 - 4 inches in length.
  • Belts are to be worn through belt loops. No wallets with loop chains.
  • Shoes, sneakers, or other appropriate footwear must be worn at all times. No open-toed or open-heeled shoes, sandals, flip-flops, or wheelie shoes are allowed.
  • Clothing and/or jewelry with inappropriate language, pictures, inferences, or symbols judged by an administrator to be obscene; intended to mock, ridicule, provoke, demean; or displaying words or pictures associated with alcohol, tobacco, or other drugs are not allowed.
  • Caps are only allowed outdoors.
  • Gang-related signs, insignias, colors, or gang-distinctive modes of dress are not permitted.

If a student violates the Dress Code, Parent/Guardian may be notified.
Student will be required to change the attire; sometimes we have alternative clothing available.
Loaner clothing must be laundered and returned the following day.

Two girls writing

Health & Wellness

Dear Rolando Parents,Research clearly reveals a link between nutrition and fitness, good health, and the ability to learn.  This means that the food and physical activity choices children make now can affect their academic achievement and their productivity as adults.  It is our desire to do all we can to help them be healthy and successful.  We ask you to follow the La Mesa-Spring Valley Wellness Policy which we promote at Rolando Elementary:

  • Please do not bring in food items for birthdays.

If you would like to bring in items for a birthday, consider fun, non-food items such as stickers, pencils, notepads, bookmarks, etc.  Check with your child’s teacher for their suggestions.  Many of us have visions of cupcakes and cookies when we think of birthday recognition at school.  Due to the new regulations, this is no longer an option.  Those items will need to be provided at home birthday parties instead.  But, there are certainly plausible, fun alternatives that can be done at school. 

  • This is a school-wide policy.  There must be consistency throughout our school.  Please keep in mind that if we allow one student to bring in cupcakes, etc., then we’d need to allow all to do that, and your child could be having cupcakes up to 35 times a school year.  Yes, that is a lot of cupcakes!·        
  • Classroom celebrations during instructional time, such as Valentine’s Day, End of the Year parties, etc. will be exempt from the “no food” rule, but must follow the district guidelines for “healthy snacks.”  Per Health and Safety Code 114021, food prepared at home cannot be distributed to other students.  It must be commercially prepared.  Additionally, we will limit the number of classroom exemptions to the “food free” policy per school year for holidays or classroom-wide birthday recognition.·        
  • Students may bring healthy, nutritious snacks to school to eat during their morning recess time.  Students may not share snacks with other children.  Please note that some students have severe peanut and other food allergies.  Examples of healthy snacks include fresh fruits and vegetables, 100% fruit juice, water, 100% juice bars, fruit cups, string cheese, pretzels, etc.  Examples of non-nutritious snacks include soda, cookies, cake, donuts, candy, chips, etc.

District policy does not allow:  Soft drinks containing caloric sweeteners, sports drinks, iced teas, fruit-based drinks that contain less than 50% real fruit juice or that contain additional caloric sweeteners, beverages containing caffeine.  All carbonated sodas are strictly prohibited as a beverage at school.

jar with crayons

Call in Each Absence

If your child misses school, please call us at (619) 668-5800 to report the absence.  Doctor and dental notes are helpful if our attendance records are audited.  If your child has numerous absences, these will be requested.  

Please note that your call to report the absence does not "erase" the absence, but rather designates it as excused or unexcused depending on the reason.

District Spotlight

Grow and Thrive with La Mesa Dale

Check out our latest Spotlight Story showcasing what makes La Mesa Dale so special!


Spotlight on Sweetwater Springs Elementary

Check out our latest Spotlight Story showcasing what makes Sweetwater Springs Elementary so special!


Spotlight on Rolando Elementary

Check out our latest Spotlight Story showcasing what makes Rolando Elementary so special!
