Welcome to STEAM Academy!

Strive to be the best FOR the world, not IN the world.”

I am excited to be at STEAM Academy for the 2024-25 school year!

My mission as your principal is also my passion: to maintain and grow a rigorous teaching and learning environment that provides every student with a sense of belonging while helping students to grow intellectually, emotionally and socially even in these unusual circumstances. It is critical to every student’s success that they promote from middle school with the skills necessary to pursue and achieve their goals and dreams. 

It is important to me to have an open-door policy and ongoing, open communication.  I know STEAM to be a highly engaging, wonderful experience for students and I want to make sure you and your student have a positive experience and get the most out of what our school has to offer. 

As the above quote states, “Strive to be the best FOR the world, not IN the world.” I am a firm believer in working together for the betterment of all our students’ lives. 
There is no “I” in “TEAM“: Together Everybody Achieves More! 
I am looking forward to this school year and working with your students and you. 

Andrea Radmilovich, aka “Rad
Principal, STEAM Academy

STEAM VISION (what we strive to be):
STEAM Academy will foster life-long learners in a high-achieving, innovative school that respects diversity and ensures a positive, safe, collaborative environment.  

Our entire school maintains a focus around the curricular areas of
Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math (STEAM). 

STEAM VALUES (who we are):

  • Purposeful
  • Respectful
  • Innovative
  • Disciplined
  • Extraordinary

The STEAM Academy at La Presa is dedicated to the development of the academic and social needs of our students.
With the support of our families and community, we are committed to cultivating the values of innovation, respect, discipline, and STEAM Academy “P.R.I.D.E.” in all of our students.

School Announcements:

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What makes STEAM Academy amazing?
Download our Brochure and find out!

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Get Involved!

STEAM Academy thrives when we are connected!
Please join some of our campus groups, make some new friends, and build our community.


  • PTSA (Parent-Teacher-Student Association)
  • ELAC (English Learner Advisory Council)
  • SSC (School Site Council)


  • Clubs
  • Sports

Districtwide Announcements:

Q&a Immigration

LMSV Update – Q&A about Immigration Enforcement

Dear LMSV Families,

We have heard from many in our school communities who are very concerned about the newly enacted immigration enforcement policies at the federal level. Yesterday, I responded to a reporter's questions about how the school district plans to deal with immigration enforcement efforts, and I thought it would help to share these responses with all of you. Please see below.

Gratefully yours,

David Feliciano
Superintendent, La Mesa-Spring Valley School District

Why You'll Love STEAM:

  • Our Cutting Edge STEAM Academy Program Serves Families of La Mesa-Spring Valley and Other School Districts
  • Engages Students with a Focus Around Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math (STEAM)
  • Working with Local Universities, Colleges, High Schools, and Community Outreach Programs, We are Building Capacity for Students to be College and Career Ready
  • 90+ Hours of Extended Learning Time in Science and Math
  • Students Engage in Lab-Based Projects and Participate in Extracurricular Activities
  • Block Scheduling Offers More Time for Students to Master Concepts, Complete Labs, and Finish Projects
  • An Application of Interest must be Completed for Students Wishing to Attend

Enroll Today!

School+    +    District+

Important Information:


2024/2025 Yearbook

Yearbooks are available at Jostens.com for $35.

Purchase yours before March 28th, 2025 in order to guarantee yourself a yearbook.

Get yours while supplies last!

Join Ptsa

Join The STEAM Parent-Teacher-Student Association

Every family should join the STEAM PTSA to be kept in the loop!
We welcome your involvement. Please volunteer!
Also, please consider becoming a PTSA Board Member.


Aeries & Jupiter Log In Instructions

Please check Aeries DAILY for Attendance

Please check Jupiter Ed DAILY for Current Grades & Contacting Instructors.

Kami Export Steam Academy @ La Presa Medium

No Place For Hate

The Anti-Defamation League awarded STEAM Academy with it's No Place For Hate designation for the second straight year!

STEAM students believe we have the right to live and learn in a safe, respectful, and inclusive school; and that no child should experience discrimination/harassment based on any immutable characteristic.

We meet weekly to further these goals for our school and community

Steam Pe Clothes

All Students Grades 6-8: Order your P.E. Clothes ONLINE!

District Spotlight

Grow and Thrive with La Mesa Dale

Check out our latest Spotlight Story showcasing what makes La Mesa Dale so special!


Spotlight on Sweetwater Springs Elementary

Check out our latest Spotlight Story showcasing what makes Sweetwater Springs Elementary so special!


Spotlight on Rolando Elementary

Check out our latest Spotlight Story showcasing what makes Rolando Elementary so special!
