Welcome to Bancroft Elementary

Bancroft serves pre-Kindergarten through fifth grade in the neighborhood of Spring Valley.  Bancroft is proud to serve our students and families with caring teachers and staff members and innovative instruction.  Enroll today!


School Announcements:

Library Books On Shelf

Parent and Family Engagement Policy

This document describes the shared responsibility for improved student academic achievement. Please take a look at this document by clicking on the attachment provided.

Hard copies are sent home with students in their First Week packets. Copies can also be found in our main office.

Districtwide Announcements:

Q&a Immigration

LMSV Update – Q&A about Immigration Enforcement

Dear LMSV Families,

We have heard from many in our school communities who are very concerned about the newly enacted immigration enforcement policies at the federal level. Yesterday, I responded to a reporter's questions about how the school district plans to deal with immigration enforcement efforts, and I thought it would help to share these responses with all of you. Please see below.

Gratefully yours,

David Feliciano
Superintendent, La Mesa-Spring Valley School District

Why You'll Love Bancroft

  • Centrally Located in the Middle of Spring Valley
  • Wonderful Partnerships with San Diego County Office of Education, Health and Human Services
  • New Mentorship Program with the Local Sheriff office of San Diego County
  • An Energetic Campus
  • Full of Heart for Students
  • Caring and Dedicated Staff

Enroll Today!

School+    District+

Important Information:

Bancroftwildcats 19

ABC 10 Story Time

On Wednesday, December 13th, ABC 10's, "If You Give a Child a Book: Story Time" event was held at Bancroft Elementary. Anchor Melissa Mecija visited our school and read to Ms. Cooper's 3rd grade class. All of her students were able to select five books to take home and keep! Watch the video to see the amazing event.

Boy looking

Our Mission Statement …

Bancroft Community School will educate each child to high standards of achievement through dynamic programs that respond to individual needs and create opportunities for success.

Two boys smiling

Student Drop-Off and Pick-Up

Before and after school, the area in front of the school marquee is designated as a student drop-off and pick-up area or "loading zone." This means cars may not park in this area between the hours of 7:45 am–8:30 am and 2:15–3:00 pm (1:00 pm–1:45 pm on Tuesdays). Cars may pull along this curb for student drop-off and pick-up but may not park during those specified times.

If you pick up your children after school, please meet them ONLY at the following places:

  1. On the playground near the Peace Circle.
  2. In front of the school, near the marquee, in the car pick-up zone.
  3.  At the classroom door. (Kindergarten parents only)

If you prefer to stay in your car, please use the car pick-up zone by the marquee. Just line up with the rest of the cars, and school staff will supervise your children until your car reaches the pick-up zone.

If you prefer to park on the lower dirt field when you pick up your child, PLEASE DO NOT tell your child to meet you down there. Please leave your car and meet your child on the playground near the Peace Circle. All students who are not bus riders, who are not in ESS, or who are not picked up in the car pick-up area in front of the school will be taken by their teachers to the playground near the Peace Circle. This is the spot where parents should pick up their children.

Please do not tell your children to meet you at any place except in the car pick-up zone or on the playground.

Two girls writing

Can my child receive free/reduced lunch?

You can apply for the Federal Free/Reduced-Price Lunch Program ANY time during the school year. Lunch applications are always available in the school office. If your household size goes up, income goes down, if you start receiving Food Stamps, FIP, FDPIR or other benefits, or if there is a job loss you should consider re-applying.

Woman with two boys

What to Do if You’re Concerned about Your Child at School

Steps to take if you're concerned about your child at school:

  1. Make sure your child gets 10-11 hours of sleep each night.
  2. Make sure your child receives nutritious meals daily.
  3. Make sure your child is at school on time every day.
  4. Have a consistent homework routine.
  5. Talk to your child. What does your child feel he/she is struggling with?
  6. Talk to your child's teacher. Does the teacher also have concerns?
  7. Talk to the counselor or the principal.
  8. Consider a medical evaluation. This step can help rule out any medical issues that could affect school success (vision, hearing, allergies, asthma, ADHD, etc.) 
Boy and girl at computer cheering

Technology at Bancroft!

We are excited about new technology applications at our school!

Each classroom now has a SmartBoard (interactive whiteboard). Our teachers are learning all the amazing things they can do to engage students in learning using the SmartBoards. This also enables the teacher to project a variety of things on the screen for the students to view. These SmartBoards take the place of old film and slide projectors, DVD players, VCRs, and even the big-screen televisions. 

All of our teachers in grades 2-5 have audio systems that help the students hear the teacher better. The teacher wears a microphone, and a speaker is located in the back of the room. We have also ordered these systems for our kindergarten and first grade classes, so they will arrive soon. An additional microphone can be used by students when they make presentations to the class. 

District Spotlight

Grow and Thrive with La Mesa Dale

Check out our latest Spotlight Story showcasing what makes La Mesa Dale so special!


Spotlight on Sweetwater Springs Elementary

Check out our latest Spotlight Story showcasing what makes Sweetwater Springs Elementary so special!


Spotlight on Rolando Elementary

Check out our latest Spotlight Story showcasing what makes Rolando Elementary so special!
