
Welcome to Avondale Elementary. Every day we work hand in hand with parents, teachers, educators and community members to serve TK to 5th grade students. Enroll today!

School Announcements:

Aws Sandwich C Bananas Cand Grapes On White Table

Important Message

Dear Parents,

We hope this message finds you well! As part of our continued efforts to promote healthy habits, we kindly remind you that students are expected to bring a nutritious snack for recess each day. Please ensure that your child’s snack aligns with our school guidelines, which include no hot chips, candy, or sodas. These guidelines are in place to support our commitment to student health and well-being.

Additionally, we ask that you have a conversation with your child about not sharing food with others during recess. This practice is essential to prevent potential allergic reactions and to maintain proper sanitation for all students.

We truly appreciate your support in reinforcing these important guidelines and helping create a safe, healthy, and respectful environment for everyone.

Thank you for your cooperation!

Warm regards,

Avondale Elementary School

Aws Library Books On Shelf

Volunteers Needed

Help make our Book Fair the best ever.

Email avopta@gmail.com during school hours, 7:30 am - 2:00 pm, if you are able to Volunteer for the bookfair!

See the flyers below for more information!

Aws Mother Of Asian Decent With Child At A Computer

Fundraiser night at BJ’s in La Mesa

Enjoy delicious food in a fun atmosphere along with your family and friends while earning funds in support of Avondale Elementary on March 25, 2025 from 1:00 pm - 11:00 pm!

See the flyer below for more information!

Aws Boy And Girl Student Sitting In Grass Doing Homework

Upcoming Events

  • Feb. 10th, 2025 - Lincoln's Holiday
  • Feb. 12th, 2025 - PTA Meeting
  • Feb. 14th, 2025 - Valentine's Dance
  • Feb. 17th, 2025 - President's Holiday
  • Feb. 1st - Apr. 4th, 2025 - Yearbook Sales
  • Feb. 28th, 2025 - Dr. Seuss Night

Please see the attached flyer for more information!

Aws Colored Pencils In Mason Jar Next To Books C Eraser C And An Apple On Top Of A Book

All Visitors and Volunteers Must Sign In

Volunteers must schedule volunteer times with teachers in advance. Upon entering campus, all visitors and volunteers are required to sign in at the front office, provide ID, provide proof of vaccination or a negative COVID test, and wear a visitor sticker any time they are on campus. Other adult visitors must make arrangements with the front office to visit our campus. Student visitors are not permitted.

Aws Teacher And Young Male Student Smiling At The Door Of A School Bus

Birthday Celebrations

In lieu of birthday celebrations in classrooms, the District recommends that parents donate a book to the classroom library, bring pencils, stickers, or other small trinkets (like fidgets) to hand out to the kids. These items may be dropped off at the office and teachers will pick them up for distribution to students at the end of the school day. Birthday parties should happen outside of school hours.

Districtwide Announcements:

Q&a Immigration

LMSV Update – Q&A about Immigration Enforcement

Dear LMSV Families,

We have heard from many in our school communities who are very concerned about the newly enacted immigration enforcement policies at the federal level. Yesterday, I responded to a reporter's questions about how the school district plans to deal with immigration enforcement efforts, and I thought it would help to share these responses with all of you. Please see below.

Gratefully yours,

David Feliciano
Superintendent, La Mesa-Spring Valley School District

Why You'll Love Avondale

  • Nestled in a Tranquil Spring Valley Neighborhood
  • A True Community School
  • Third Generation Avondale Tigers whose Parents, Grandparents, and Extended Family have Attended
  • Known for its Caring and Highly Experienced Staff
  • Learning is Enhanced by Long-Standing Regional Partnerships (i.e. UCSD, San Diego Youth Services) that Bring Extra Tutoring, Art Programs and More
  • After-School Enrichment Programs are Offered Throughout the Year

Enroll Today!

School+    District+

Important Information:

Avondale Tigers

Safety Updates on Immigration

At Avondale, we prioritize the safety and well-being of every student and family member in our community, ensuring our schools are sanctuaries of learning and support!

Please see the newsletter below for important information!

Aws Autumn Row Of School Buses Aligned And Parked

Important Update on California’s New “Daylighting Law”

We are writing to inform you about a new California state law that went into effect on January 1, 2025, which will impact parking near the crosswalks at Avondale Elementary School and throughout the state!

Please see below for more information on this matter!

Aws Little Girl With Pink Striped Shirt And Red Backpack Smiling And Waving

Avondale Spirit Wear

woman at computer

Helping to Make Connections – Student, Family, School and Community

Ayuda para hacer conexiones - Alumno, Familia, Escuela y Comunidad

Hand holding crayon

Attendance Matters!

Regular attendance is key for your child’s success.

Boy with thumbs up

Join the Cast…Be An Avondale Star

PTA is setting up a long list of activities and initiatives to support all our students here at Avondale this year.  We appreciate all the hard work, creativity and support from all our PTA volunteers.  This year's theme is Be A Star.  Information has gone home in first day packets and is available in the office if you would like to become a member, sign up to volunteer for activities and/or donate to the programs PTA supports. 

Boy with guitar

Does Avondale have a Music Program?

Each of our 5th and 6th grade students is offered the opportunity to play an instrument for one semester. Aaron Irwin, band teacher at La Presa Middle School, comes each Tuesday and works with the students. Fifth graders participate the first semester and 6th graders participate the second semester. Watch the parent bulletin for information regarding a concert at the end of the school year.

Girl with backpack

How can parents be involved at Avondale?

Classroom Visits will help you understand what your children’s days are like “at work.” You’re always welcome to sit and watch them learn and interact with classmates and adults. If you’d like, your children’s teachers may appreciate your help with clerical tasks (copying, cutting, sorting) or working with a small group of children. Don’t be shy—we’ll show you how. 

Parent Groups help us make important decisions regarding our policies, programs, and learning environment. You’re always welcome to join or just attend the meetings that are convenient. Check the website or notices for dates and times.

  • PTA (Parent-Teacher Association) – These dedicated Avondale parents and staff members meet once a month to plan fun school events and to raise funds for our students’ study trips and a variety of other purposes.
  • SSC (School Site Council) – Parents and staff members review information on Avondale students’ achievement, school budgets, safety, and programs – always with the goal of making our great school even better! All are welcome to attend monthly meetings and provide input. Voting members are elected each fall.
  • ELAC (English Learners Advisory Council) – Our ELAC serves as a connection to the families of our English Learners and advises the SSC regarding their needs.  Four meetings each year are held on Fridays at 8:30 a.m.

District Committees give you opportunities to learn about policies and programs at the district level, and to provide input for important decisions. District committees meet at the Education Center Board Room, 4750 Date Street, La Mesa.

  • District Advisory Council (DAC) – Parent representatives meet with Superintendent Brian Marshall to discuss parents’ perspectives on programs and policies. See District website for dates, agendas, and minutes. 
  • District English Learners’ Advisory Council – Parents and other interested community members discuss programs and policies affecting students who are learning English.

District Spotlight

Grow and Thrive with La Mesa Dale

Check out our latest Spotlight Story showcasing what makes La Mesa Dale so special!


Spotlight on Sweetwater Springs Elementary

Check out our latest Spotlight Story showcasing what makes Sweetwater Springs Elementary so special!


Spotlight on Rolando Elementary

Check out our latest Spotlight Story showcasing what makes Rolando Elementary so special!
