i-Ready Family Center: The i-Ready Family Center is the place to learn how you can support and encourage your student’s success with i-Ready.
Frequently Asked Questions
Why are we using i-Ready?
LMSV is using i-Ready as a common student progress monitoring tool, as well as a supplemental, personalized instructional tool. For the first time, LMSV will be able to look at all students, at all grade levels, through the same lens using the same system. The Diagnostic assessment allows us to monitor student progress using the same assessment over multiple administrations. i-Ready’s Personalized Instruction pathway allows students to receive supplemental, individualized instruction and practice on skills they need.
Does this replace my child’s core instruction?
No, this does not replace students’ core grade level instruction. Students will receive their grade level instruction no matter what level they are in i-Ready.
Does this impact my child’s grade level placement?
No, i-Ready data does not determine if a student is retained or promoted.
Does this impact my child’s grades and report card?
No, i-Ready is diagnostic, not summative. It is a tool that supports teachers by providing data to determine students strengths and needs, as well as supplemental resources for instruction.
Should my child be working on i-Ready at home?
Students will complete the required weekly minutes at school. i-Ready should not be assigned as homework, unless the student is on an Independent Study Agreement. If you are interested in having your child work on i-Ready at home beyond what is done in the classroom, please contact your child’s teacher.
How do I see my child’s data from the Diagnostic assessment?
After students take the Diagnostic assessment, family reports will be sent home within the next month. Contact your child’s teacher for a copy of your child’s family report.
How do I see my child’s progress on Personalized Instruction?
If you would like to monitor your child’s progress on the Personalized Instruction pathway, you will have to log in as your child. There is not a parent portal. Once logged in you can go to My Progress at the bottom of the dashboard.
What if I have concerns about my child’s data and/or progress on i-Ready?
Please contact your child’s teachers if you have any concerns or questions.
How does i-Ready impact my child’s IEP?
i-Ready supports monitoring students’ progress. It provides information about discrete skills that can be useful for the IEP team when determining goals.