Expanded Learning Opportunities Program (ELOP)
The Expanded Learning Opportunities Program (ELO-P) provides funding for afterschool and summer school enrichment programs for transitional kindergarten through sixth grade. “Expanded learning” means before-school, after-school, summer, or intersession learning programs that focus on developing the academic, social, emotional, and physical needs and interests of pupils through hands-on, engaging learning experiences. It is the intent of the Legislature that expanded learning programs are pupil-centered, results-driven, include community partners, and complement, but do not replicate, learning activities in the regular school day and school year. Every student attending a school operating a program is eligible to participate in the program, subject to program capacity. Program fees are waived for families that qualify.
If the number of students wishing to participate in the program exceeds program capacity, students shall be selected for enrollment based upon the following guidelines:
Priority for enrollment shall be given to students who are identified as homeless youth, in foster care, students eligible for free or reduced-price meals, and English Language Learners.
The second priority shall be for the enrollment of middle school students who attend the program daily.
Third priority shall be given to students identified as needing academic remediation or support.
Any remaining capacity shall be filled by students selected at random.
A waiting list shall be established to accommodate additional students if space becomes available.
Students who meet the requirements for priority, listed above, will receive priority enrollment to register in the spring for the upcoming school year. The intent of the ELO-Program is for students who participate should participate in the program for the full range of hours offered each day.
ASES Grant
ASES is an extension of the school day and offers literacy and academic enrichment components. Studies show that participation in the ASES Program increases students’ attachment to their schools, improves academics, and provides a safe environment for students.
First priority shall go to pupils who are identified by the program as homeless youth, as defined by the federal McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act (42 U.S.C. Sec. 11434a), at the time that they apply for enrollment or at any time during the school year, and to pupils who are identified by the program as being in foster care.
The second priority for enrollment will be granted to students who are eligible for free or reduced-price meals (FRPM) based upon the Income Eligibility Guidelines determined by USDA and CDE.
Third priority will be given to students who attend the program daily, for the full range of program hours. The number of days attended per week is monitored throughout the school year. Students who utilize the full range of program hours (i.e. 1.5 hours before school and the full duration of the program after school) will be given greater priority over students who do not. If there is a waitlist of students, they are added to the program as current students who do not meet prioritized attendance requirements are dropped.
Additional locally-determined, site-based priorities (e.g. single parent household, active duty military, targeted academic intervention, etc.) may also be considered when enrolling students in the ASES program to meet the unique needs of students in each school community.
ASES Registration
Students currently participating in the ASES grant will get priority enrollment to register in the spring for the upcoming school year. The intent of the grant is for students who participate in ASES should participate in the program for the full range of hours offered each day. Program fees are waived for families that qualify.
Purpose and Objectives
The After School Education and Safety (ASES) Program is designed to provide literacy, academic enrichment, and safe constructive alternatives for students.
Program Elements
The ASES program is aligned with the regular school day. A safe physical and emotional environment and opportunities for relationship-building are provided. The following two elements are incorporated in the program’s academic support and enrichment activities:
- An educational and literacy element provides homework assistance and academic support to help students meet state standards in reading/language arts, mathematics, social studies, and science. A broad range of activities are based on students’ needs and interests.
- An education enrichment element offers a variety of additional programs and activities that reinforce and complement the school’s academic program. This includes positive youth development strategies and prevention activities that may utilize visual and performing arts, community service-learning, recreation and physical activity, health/nutritional promotion, career awareness, and work preparation activities based on student needs and interests.
ASES Contact Information (by site)
School Site | Phone | Contact |
Avondale Elementary School | (619) 668-5838 | Casandra Woods |
Bancroft Elementary School | (619) 668-5839 | Antonio Bustos |
Casa de Oro Elementary School | (619) 668-5840 | Lorena “Skye” Castro |
Highlands Elementary School | (619) 668-5842 | Jonah Guerrero (Interim Site Lead) |
Kempton Literacy Academy | (619) 668-5843 | Beatriz “BB” Bailey |
La Mesa Dale Elementary School | (619) 668-5844 | Andrew Gofigan |
La Presa Elementary School | (619) 668-8355 | Carlos Esparza |
Rancho Elementary School | (619) 668-5852 | Shatoya Spence |
Spring Valley Academy | (619) 668-8374 | Anthony Guy |
STEAM Academy | (619) 668-8360 | Liam Clingan |