Thanks to the outstanding leadership of one Murray Manor Elementary kindergarten teacher with a huge heart for children and a penchant for music, over 40 teachers and staff from La Mesa-Spring Valley Schools are learning how to use the ukulele in their classrooms. Teacher Julia Cole, along with Bari Zwirn, has partnered with Guitars in the Classroom, a local educational non-profit organization. For the past six weeks, the teachers have donated their time to learn together and help expand the role of music in their classroom. In February, the group will learn guitar basics, and pass their newly-learned skills on to their students. As Ms. Cole describes, “The ukes, accessories and lessons have been free, and the uke is for them to keep. The excitement and enthusiasm of these teachers wanting to learn something new has been motivating to all, including their students.”
Guitars in the Classroom Brings Music to La Mesa-Spring Valley Teachers