Breakthrough English is a dynamic and engaging experience for students learning English that is captured here in video below. Breakthrough English is a program that has been designed through the leadership and hard work of English Learner Resource Teacher, Kim Nisson, and Director of Curriculum and Instruction, Elisa Holston-Arteaga, to help students who are learning English to develop their language proficiency in reading, writing, listening and speaking. This year, students who come from over 23 countries of origin and speak over 17 world languages, gathered at Spring Valley Academy for an intensive six week program. Five outstanding La Mesa-Spring Valley teachers helped design and facilitate instruction for students in their small classes over the course of the program.
Small group instruction, real-world connections and rich academic vocabulary and language instruction and practice has led to accelerated progress for the students learning English in this program. One student in the program described, “I like this program because I know my teachers care about me and I can learn fast with the other kids in the room.” Additionally, Ms. Nisson describes that she has seen rapid progress from students who have attended both this year’s program and last year’s in their development of spoken and written English. She described one scenario giving a group of newcomer students a state test that had them in tears in English in their first month living here. After attending both sessions of Breakthrough English, this family of students learning English, has gained proficiency to have rich conversations and engage in academic coursework. The gains are academic, social and around improved confidence.
The students in the program will participate in a celebration assembly as part of their promotion from the program on Friday, July 20 at 12:00 p.m. in the Spring Valley Academy multipurpose room. We invite you to come out and celebrate their success.