Citizenship Rubric

Norm:What It Looks Like:Outstanding
Citizenship Needs Improvement
Unsatisfactory Citizenship
Take care of yourself-Is present in assigned seat/location and ready to learn before the bell rings
– Prepared for class daily with required supplies and charged chromebook
– Contributes positively to classroom environment without disruption
– Stays on task independently
– Works hard and puts forth effort
– Asks for help when needed
– Shows perseverance and ambition to learn
– Speaks purposefully and appropriately
– Actively listens to understand
– Actively participates in learning
– Demonstrates academic honesty and integrity
– Follows policies regarding personal electronics (no cell phones or wireless headphones used at school)
– Uses computers appropriately
– Demonstrates digital citizenship
Always prepared to learnConsistently prepared to learnSometimes prepared to learnInfrequently prepared to learnRarely prepared to learn
Exceptional participation 

Always on task and hard working
Consistently participates  

Mostly on task and hard working
Sometimes participates 

Sometimes on task and hard working
Infrequently participates 

Infrequently on task and hard working

Rarely on task or hard working
Always exhibits personal responsibility and honestyConsistently  exhibits personal responsibility and honestySometimes exhibits personal responsibility and honestyInfrequently  exhibits personal responsibility or honestyRarely exhibits personal responsibility or honesty
Take care of each other– Cooperates with adults and peers-is kind and courteous
– Follows directions first time given
– Contributes positively to classroom environment without disruption
– Listens to and considers others’ ideas
– Patiently waits for a turn to speak or participate
– Follows all school and classroom rules
– Does not take or abuse the belongings of others
– Respectful to all staff and students
Always cooperativeConsistently cooperativeSometimes cooperativeInfrequently cooperativeRarely cooperative
Always adheres to school rulesConsistently adheres to school rulesConsistently adheres to  school rulesInfrequently adheres to  school rulesRarely adheres to  school rules
Respectful at all timesRespectful at all timesConsistently respectful Occasionally disrespectfulOften disrespectful
Take care of this place– Uses school devices, materials and facilities carefully and appropriately
– Keeps classroom and workspace clean
– Follows policies regarding food and drink
– Does not bring or chew gum, candy, etc.
Always takes care of school propertyConsistently  takes care of school propertySometimes takes care of school propertyInfrequently  takes care of school propertyRarely takes care of school property

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  • Our Cutting Edge STEAM Academy Program Serves Families of La Mesa-Spring Valley and Other School Districts
  • Engages Students with a Focus Around Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math (STEAM)
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