Pickup & Dropoff

Please use the Parent Pickup & Dropoff lane off Rogers Road. This is the safest area for students as they are out of the traffic on Conrad Drive.

If a student is picked up at any time before the end of the school day, he/she must be picked up by the parent/guardian listed in the office computer. The ONLY exception to this rule is that a parent/guardian can send in a note (with their signature) stating who will be picking up their child on that specific date.  If you have any questions about this new policy, please feel free to call the office.

Please know that we are focused on your child’s safety at school.  However, in order to fully be successful, we need your help and patience in abiding by the following school rules:

  1. All parents/guardians, even if we know you, need to sign in at the front office and get a visitors badge to be on campus.  If you do not have a badge, you will not be allowed on campus or in the classrooms.
  2. Do not go directly to any classroom door to drop off a lunch, homework, or anything else during school hours.  
  3. If your child is absent and you need to get class work you may contact teachers via Jupiter Grades for missing assignments.
  4. If you have information to report about an incident at your child’s school or for questions regarding school safety, please contact the principal.  You may make an anonymous report using the information below:

Crime Stoppers (800) 222-8477 http://www.crimestoppersusa.com

Students Speaking Out (888) 580-8477 http://www.studentsspeakingout.org  

Please know your children are extremely important to our entire staff.  We are open to any and all suggestions on how to better keep them safe.

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  • Options for Elective Classes that allow for and Foster Creativity
  • Strong, Positive Relationship Building across Campus and between Home and School
  • World Language Acquisition
  • Personalized Acceleration
  • Academic, Social, Emotional Development
  • Inquiry-Based, Hands-On Learning
  • Preparation for Advanced High School and University Coursework

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