
La Mesa Dale’s Quick Reference guide can help you find answers to some of our most frequently asked questions related to attendance, birthdays, dress code, and more.  

Facts About School Attendance:  

  • School attendance is a legal requirement.
  • Three days of greater than 30 minute tardies to school (after 8:25 am) equals one unexcused absence.
  • Please bring a doctor’s note in ANY time you take your child to the doctor. We can excuse absences or tardies with a doctor’s note.
  • Vacations and/or days out of town are NOT considered excused absences by the State of California – even if you call to tell us about it. * Please do your best to plan vacations over school breaks. 
  • Absences and tardiness can add up before you know it. Excessive absences and tardies can lead to your child being put on an attendance contract with the school district.
  • If you are facing tough challenges related to accessing health care, unstable housing, poor transportation or lack of food, please reach out to us and we will do our best to help with resources.
  • Communication is key! Please call La Mesa Dale ANY time your student is going to miss a school day, regardless of the reason. We suggest programming the school number (619-668-5740) in your phone so you have it wherever you are.

*Your child can complete Independent Study work to make up an absence. You can ask for it ahead of time if you have a planned absence. You can ask for the work after your child returns to school if they were unexpectedly absent. If all work is turned in and completed on time, those days your child will be considered “present” instead of “absent”.

Click here to read California school attendance laws: Attendance Laws for California Haga clic aquí para leer las leyes de asistencia escolar de California: Leyes de asistencia de California

LMSV Student Supports Page

Find forms for medication at school, attendance information, and more at:


Attendance Tips to Promote Student Learning:

  • Please make sure your student has a set bedtime and establish a morning routine so they are rested and alert when they get to school.
  • Limit the amount of time your child spends on electronics devices and make sure electronics are turned off an hour before bedtime.
  • Make sure clothes and  backpacks are prepared for the next day the night before school.
  • Check with our Health Technician or office staff if you are not sure about when to keep your child at home due to illness.
  • Did you know your child is only in school for half of a year? 180 days of a 365 day year. Please do everything in your power to schedule vacations or doctor’s appointments when school is not in session or after school hours.
  • Talk to teachers and counselors for advice if your student feel anxious about going to school.
  • Develop back up plans for getting to school if something comes up. Call on a family member, neighbor, or another parent to take your student to school.

Attending school has a HUGE impact on student success. This year we want to make sure every student misses no more than 9 days of school, or 1 day a month. We need your help.

La Mesa Dale – Early Release and Tardy Guidelines

  1. Any person that picks up a student early, including parents, will be asked to show photo  ID.  
  2. If someone other than the custodial parent is picking up a student prior to the end of the school day the custodial parent must do all of the following:
    1. Notify the office by sending in a signed, dated letter
    2. Date/time of that pick up
    3. State who will be picking up the student
    4. Adult stated must be on the emergency contact list.
  3. In case of an emergency, the custodial parent must call the office to notify office staff of  who will be picking up the student and then do one of the following:
  4. Send a picture of a written request via email or Class Dojo to:
    1. Office Manager christina.hicks@lmsvschools.org
    2. Health Tech silvia.wuertz@lmsvschools.org
  5. if you want to pick up your students before the end of the school school day, it must be BEFORE 2:00 pm (MWThF) or 12:45 pm (Tuesdays). Anyone arriving after this time will need to wait until classes are dismissed to take their student.
  6. School starts at 7:55 am. Your child will need to check in at the office for a health screening if they arrive after 7:55 am.
  7. If you are late to school due to a doctor/dentist appointment, please remember to get a note from the doctor to excuse the tardy. You will still need to check in at the office to for a health screening.

Please call the Health Technician at La Mesa Dale with any questions. 

Immunization Requirements for School

Immunizations for all students starting elementary school (TK – 6th grade):

New California state laws http://www.shotsforschool.org/laws/  require all students starting elementary school (this includes out of state transfers from other schools) to be immunized before they can start school. Personal waivers are no longer accepted under any circumstance. Please clink on the link to see a list of required immunizations: State Immunization Requirements

Immunizations for all students starting middle school (7th and 8th grade):

New State laws http://www.shotsforschool.org/laws/ require all students to be immunized with their Tdap booster immunization before the first day of 7th Grade or they will not receive their school schedule. Please get your immunization early and bring your yellow immunization card to the school office so we can verify your child has had his/her immunization.  NO SHOT, NO SCHOOL-get yours now! 

Please contact our office if you have any questions about immunization requirements

Why You’ll Love La Mesa Dale!

  • Safe and Supportive Environment: Our campus feels like family, fostering a nurturing and inclusive atmosphere for all students.
  • Innovative Programs: With a Garden Classroom, Exploration Hour, and regular Visual and Performing Arts Lessons in all classrooms, our students enjoy a rich variety of activities that make learning fun and exciting. The Safe School Ambassadors program boosts self-confidence and provides students with tools to develop their leadership skills on the playground and in the classroom.
  • Outstanding Staff: Our dedicated teachers and staff go above and beyond to build strong relationships with students and families, ensuring every child feels valued and supported.
  • Student Success: Our focus on reducing behaviors that result in office referrals and increasing student engagement has led to significant improvements in academics, attendance, and overall school climate.
  • Family Involvement: Our thriving PTA provides numerous opportunities for family involvement and fosters a welcoming environment for everyone. Join us for events like dine-out nights, movie night, and multicultural night, or volunteer with morning Run Club or as a classroom art docent or garden docent. There’s so much more to explore and enjoy!

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